International Chocolate Milk Controversy {Chocomil & Licuado de Platano}

I have been wanting to share this recipe with you since I started the Two's-day feature.  But Hubby and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary last month and I didn't really want to focus on the cause of our first argument.

Yes, our very first argument as a married couple was over chocolate milk.  Silly, I know, but these things tend to happen when people from different cultures wed.

I don't think we had been married a week when my hubby asked if I would make him a Chocomil (chocolate milk).  I happily waltzed into the kitchen, poured him a glass of milk, added a couple of teaspoons of chocolate milk powder, gave it a stir and served it to my hubby.  My hubby tasted his Chocolate milk, gave me a funny look and innocently asked why I hadn't made him a Chocomil.  I sweetly explained that what he was drinking was in fact a glass of Chocolate milk.  Confused, Hubby shook his head and stated that what I had prepared was most definitely not Chocomil.  This "Yes, it is!"/"No, it's not!" arguing continued for a few minutes.

Hubby tried to explain that Chocomil was made with raw egg.  I just laughed and argued that he could go down the street to Denny's, order a Chocolate milk and that they would serve him the exact same thing that I had just prepared, WITHOUT raw egg!  Finally, Hubby was the voice of reason and explained that American Chocolate milk and Mexican Chocomil weren't the same thing.

Slightly embarrased, I followed Hubby to the kitchen, where he taught me how to make Mexican Chocomil.

Chocomil is a very popular breakfast beverage in Mexico.  Many restaurants offer Chocomil on the menu.  And yes, it is prepared with raw egg.  Mostly made with 2 or 3 quail eggs, but often with regular chicken eggs.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate milk powder
  • Ground Cinnamon (for garnish)
Place all of the ingredients in a blender cup; cover with lid.  Puree in blender on medium-high speed about 1 minute.  Serve in a cute glass and sprinkle ground cinnamon over the top.  Enjoy!!!



A Licuado is very similar to a Chocomil in its ingredients and preparation.  The only difference is the addition of fruit.  You can add any fruit that you like.  Bananas, strawberries, mango, guava and papaya are the most popular.  And the chocolate milk powder is optional!  I love it in my banana and strawberry Licuados, but not with mango or papaya.

Licuado de Platano
(Banana Smoothie)

  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon chocolate milk powder (optional)
  • 1 portion or handful of your favorite fruit  (I used banana)
  • Ground cinnamon
Place all of the ingredients in a blender cup; cover.  Puree on medium-high speed for 1 minute.  Pour into glass.  Sprinkle top with ground cinnamon.  Garnish with a slice of fruit.  Enjoy!!!

licuado de platano

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  1. Say WHAT???

    I'm going to cover my ears and hum for a while till I forget that I've drank countless liquados from street vendors here.



    GGGGAAAAAAAHHHHH !!! Okay, and no WONDER the ones I make at home never taste as good. But no, uh-uh, not doing it.

    This is a really cool post though Mrs. Leslie, I won't eat a raw egg but this is a fabulous post and you deserve that.

  2. I just LOVE your blog. So do my friends.
    BUT. . .agggghhh, no raw eggs for me either. I used to watch la señorita make non-stop liquados and agua frescas at El Bicho in Sayulita and I never saw her put an egg in them. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm Don't doubt your authority on the subject tho. Your husband is so lucky, does he know it?

  3. My kid brother-in-law makes liquados just that way! They're great. But, yeah, I was kind of grossed out about the raw egg when I finally watched him make one one day. I make them without the egg and find that the banana thickens the drink up enough for my tastes.

  4. I'm glad you linked to this today.  I had no idea liquados also had the raw egg in them.  Haven't had chocomil but it is now on my todo list. 

  5. I make licuados all the time for myself and my kids and no, they don't have to have raw egg. When I lived in Mexico, they would put an egg yolk of two but only if you asked.

  6. lol iAlways wondered where my mommy qot that idea of sprinklinq chocolate over my licuado de platano and why she made it with an eqq!! Now iKnow why hehehehe ... iAm Mexican-American ... Born and raised here in South Florida but my parents are from Guanajuato, Mexico .... Well anyway, <3 ur bloqq :)

  7. Such a beautiful Sunny day here in the Central Coast in California! Made a banana licuado for Sr & Jr....they loved it, added crushed ice ..REFRESHING!!!

  8. I'm from Monterrey, Mexico, and we never prepare the "chocomilk" like that (yes, it's "chocomilk" not "chocomil"), I guess that's the reason it tastes so different from the ones made in the southern country... We just do it in the american way haha. Thanks for this recipe! I find the raw egg kinda gross but going to try it anyway.

  9. So your husband got mad at your for not knowing how to make HIS traditional version of chocolate milk without explaining what it was or even asking if you had ever made it before.
    Sounds like a winner.

  10. My mom would make this for me but she called it ponche de huevo. But mine didn't have chocolate milk powder - boo hoo. Would have been so much better with the chocolate!
