Torrejas {Bolillo Roll French Toast}

Bolillo rolls are probably the most popular bread in Jalisco.  Bolillos, also known as vapor, pan de vapor and birote, are used to prepare tortas, lonches and even capirotada. Fresh Bolillos are available everyday at any local tiendita (small general store).   If you get to the store early enough, you will find that the Bolillos are still warm. One of my favorite ways to use Bolillos is to make TorrejasTorrejas are the Spanish/Mexican version of French Toast.

Bolillo Roll Torrejas (French Toast) -


  • 4 to 6 bolillo rolls
  • 4 eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk or Mexican crema
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Butter
  • Ground Cinnamon (garnish)
  • Powdered Sugar (garnish)

Slice the bolillo rolls into 1-inch slices. Heat a large skillet or griddle over medium heat. While your skillet is warming, whisk together the eggs, milk, sugar and ground cinnamon, in a small bowl. Dip bolillo slices in egg; coat both sides. Melt a little butter (about 1 tablespoon, but you could use more) in the skillet. Place egg-coated bolillo slices in skillet.  Let cook in butter until golden brown on both sides. Sprinkle Torrejas with powdered sugar and ground cinnamon.  Serve with plenty of maple syrup, honey and/or sweetened condensed milk.  Enjoy!!!

Torrejas (Bolillo Roll French Toast) -


  1. Oooohh, I'm making french toast tomorrow morning! With bolillos!

  2. recently was down in Chilchota, Michoacan, and picked up some of their fabulous breads. some of what i got looks like a botillo but has something sweet inside. i used some of it to make french toast a few days ago (actually before your posting) and it was FABULOUS! no powdered sugar needed since the bread is already sweet....although of course i DID use some syrup on it!

    by the way, i love your blog and have shared it with many friends NOB.

    barb in the lake chapala area, jalisco

  3. Hi Barb! Welcome to the blog. Your french toast sounds delicious! Whenever I buy bread, I wonder if it would make a good french toast. :D

  4. Once again, never thought to make french toast with bolillos either! My grandma would love this for sure.
