
What a week this has been!

I've had ups.  I've had downs.  And all because of one teeny, tiny, little change to this blog.

When I first started the Recipes by Leslie blog, I wanted to purchase my own custom domain.  But I wasn't even sure if I was going to like having a food/recipe blog, so Hubby suggested that I wait.

Hubby said that if after a year, I was still actively involved with this blog, he would purchase my custom domain as a blogiversary present!

Well...guess what?  My one year anniversary is a little more than a week away.  And Hubby kept his promise.  On Sunday, we purchased our custom domain.

I really wanted to keep the Recipes by Leslie name, but it wasn't available.

What to do?

Hubby and the kiddies quickly came up with a long list of suggestions.  Some were too long and/or too complicated.  The shorter ones were taken.  Some were in Spanish.  Others were in English.  This went on for a while, until finally the kiddies came up with something we all liked...La Cocina de Leslie (Leslie's Kitchen).

As soon as I made the purchase, I was informed that it would take up to 3 days for it to be fully functional.  This wasn't a problem, because the blog was still accessible through the blogspot address.

But yesterday, I had a slight panic attack.

I tried to access my blog with both the custom domain and the Recipes by Leslie address.  Both resulted in "Error.  Requested URL not found."

I immediately contacted the folks at Google Help.  In less than five minutes, was up and running!

To celebrate the new address, I've made a few changes with the header and am trying to decide on a background.  What do you think?  Love it?  Hate it?  Any suggestions?