Food of the Month Club: May

This month's Food of the Month is one of my all-time favorite fruits.  On the outside, this fruit can vary in color from red, to green, to yellow, and orange.  But on the inside, the color is almost always the same....a deep golden yellow.

Dramatic drumroll, please.....

The Food of the Month for May is....MANGOES!!!

Now I realize that mangoes may not be in season everywhere, so it's perfectly acceptable if you use canned or frozen mangoes.

I tend to lean toward sweeter recipes when it comes to mangoes, but I've been wanting to experiment with more savory dishes.  What about you?  How do you like to use mangoes?

I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with.

How to participate:
  1. Cook up something delicious using Mangoes as one of the main ingredients.  
  2. Post the recipe(s) on your blog, making sure to link to this page in your blog post(s).  You can also add the Food of the Month Club badge to your post and/or sidebar.  (Grab the code for the badge here.) 
  3. Email your entries to me at by May 30th.  (Current recipes only.) Be sure to  include:
*Your name 
*Your blog name 
*Permalink to your blog post 
*Photo of your recipe or permission to pull one from your post

       4.  Visit La Cocina de Leslie on May 31st for the Mango recipe round-up.  
