What's for Dinner: Week 1

Welcome to What's for Dinner, a new weekly series with menu planning inspiration from my Cocina to yours.

I am a firm believer in that menu planning can be a wife/mom's best friend. Menu planning helps me save money at the grocery store because I only buy the ingredients I'm going to need for our meals that week. And it helps me save time because I already know what I'm making for dinner and I already have the ingredients I need. (Read more about How I Plan My Weekly Menu here.)

I love seeing what other families eat throughout the week, be it via Menu Plan Monday posts or What's for Dinner videos on YouTube. I started to share our weekly meals on the blog (and on YouTube) last year, but with so much going on in our lives it was hard to keep up. This year I'm hoping to do much better now that things seem to have calmed down some. (Knock on wood!)

So, if you're into menu planning or just need some inspiration on what to make for dinner I hope you'll tune in every Saturday to see What's for Dinner!  

Our meals this week...


Pollo Rostizado (Rotisserie Chicken)

Shredded Beef Picadillo 

Shredded Beef Picadillo - lacocinadeleslie.com

Enchiladas de Papa (Potato Enchiladas)

Enchiladas de Papa (Potato Enchiladas) - lacocinadeleslie.com

Pollo a la Crema w/ Garlic Bread

Pollo a la Crema (Creamy Chicken & Mushroom Pasta) - lacocinadeleslie.com

Tacos de Pollo a la Mexicana (Shredded Chicken Tacos)

Tacos de Pollo (Shredded Chicken Tacos) - lacocinadeleslie.com

Chicken & Dumplings 

Chicken & Biscuit Dumplings (from scratch) - lacocinadeleslie.com

What's on the menu in your cocina?

1 comment

  1. Love your new feature. And you bet, I love menu planning and need to get in the habit again. I'll look forward to your selections going forward.
