This week I was looking forward to getting back to our regular meal planning, especially since we didn't have any leftovers from the weekend that needed to be used up. (Love it when that happens!) We ended up having take-out three times this week, two of which don't surprise me because I usually take the weekends off from cooking. But mid-week I was blind-sinded by a migraine, so take-out again it was. I'm hoping to do better next week.
Our meals this week...
My brother-in-law surprised us by picking up some birria (roasted lamb) for everyone. Yum!
Carne en su Jugo
While working on last week's WFD post, I noticed I hadn't made an old-fashioned traditional dish for my suegro, which is something I try to do once a week, so this was for him.
Cheesy Chicken Broccoli Rice
Because every once in a while I crave something simple and cheesy.
Potato & Chorizo Enchiladas
Hubby had two requests this week: Potato Enchiladas and Tacos de Papa. Instead of choosing just one, I made him both.
Pollo Rostizado (take-out)
I woke up with a killer migraine and was not up for cooking today, so my sweet Hubby picked up a rotisserie chicken for lunch.
Tacos Dorados de Papas con Queso (Cheese & Potato Fried Tacos) with Nopales and Sopa Seca.
No big surprise here that Hubby requested one of his two favorite dishes. I don't usually serve side dishes when I make Tacos Dorados, but after yesterday's migraine I needed some comfort food in the form of Sopa de Caracol.
Chinese take-out
Because we're so darn happy that our favorite Chinese restaurant re-opened, we couldn't resist going back for more.
What's on the menu in your Cocina this week?

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